The Evolution
of the Botanical Extracts product range.
Gen. 1. 1999: Originally
formulated to provide the most pure of plant extracts in natural
base, relying on the science of Aroma
Therapy, without animal testing or
animal- by products (the start of the BE Non-Inclusion
Gen. 2. 2002: 3
separate skin
classifications developed to move
the products accuracy into the prescription only
Gen. 3. 2003:
artificial colours and fragrances removed to eliminate any skin
Gen. 4. 2005:
Complete reformulating of all products to replace the growing list
of ingredient concerns, such as Parables, Sulphates, Lanolin’s, and
MIT’s, in fact 10 industry standard ingredients or their
derivatives. I.e. stop
the nasties.
Gen. 5. 2006:
Protector introduced using patented
(bound = safe) Nano Technology to deliver all day protection from
all the environmental factors.
Gen. 6. 2007: Range
preservative system further upgraded to a TGA
licensed pharmaceutical grade
system, (still a non Parable) All base ingredients audited back to
originally manufacturing process to ensure compliance with the BE
Non Inclusion Policy. A 4th skin classification created to
completely cover all skin conditions.
Gen. 7. 2008: New
airless delivery packaging introduced to further reduce
preservative presence, stabilise actives levels during jar use life
and prevent atmospheric cross contamination and oxidation. Advanced
new peptides and liposometechnology
introduced with collaboration from European laboratories, in a
(bound) Nano
delivery system to layer actives
through the Dermis. An
SPF30 sunscreen without chemical
absorbers released, with a TGA
Aust License #.
Gen. 8. 2009:
Serums and Serum Care products
reformulated to provide Botanical
Extracts Poly Radical Scavenging
(PRS)™, to actually
neutralise all 3 of the known free radicals, ie Stop the old
Introduction ofBE Actives Accelerator single use
patches for home use. Launch BE ElectroPoration
(BEEP) and Dermal Infusion Spray delivery
systems(patents applied for) for
professional delivery of actives to the deepest layers of the skin
without cell destruction. Again, the focussed application of
science from the leading edge of research acknowledge for it’s
particular and unique effects on the skin and cell permeability
with the awarding of the Nobel prize for Chemistry in
2003. BE DyNAmic Repair and
Protection ™, and BE
Dermal Infusion Sprays
™ are brands names that have also be trademarked
to protect their inherent use in the applied for patent of this
delivery system.
What’s Next: To actually
reverse the clock of cell life itself and restore the DNA to its
most youthful embodiment with each successive reproduction, as it
repopulates the dermis with more new cells than it sheds from
expired cells. Botanical Extracts believe this is the wholly grail
of cell longevity, of skin care. This has been our goal since
Gen. 9
2010: The Magic Bullet: It is the
last of the “Clock of
Life” shorteners that we launched. The solution is
undeliverable to others in this industry without the (bound) Nano
encapsulation and patented delivery
technology that BE has pioneered in its skincare products over the
last 5 years. Botanical
Extracts has created a series of products and a
Dermal Infusion Spray
™ that will deliver to the deepest of levels of
the Dermis, a plant derived extract known as a Telomerase
Activator, to prolong cellular longevity to unprecedented
Conclusive testing of this
extremely rare and expensive plant extract from a valley in
Northern China (where people have defied the odds to live for over
120 years of age regularly) have been shown to activate the
gene and produce an enzyme that
stimulates telomereregrowth
during cell reproduction. This then extends the protection of the
DNA for each cell beyond the usual “50 (absolute maximum 70) only
uses” which is all any and every
skin cell can do. Cells treated this way can be extended up to 400
and beyond reproductions of youthful, perfect DNA. Truly the elixir
of life for all cells, but previously undeliverable without BE
patented technology, this well documented and understood technology
becomes results achievable through a topically applied,
trans-dermally delivered and chelated release of the telomerase
activator in BE Generation 9 Skincare products.
No different in formulation to
all the other active plant extracts, liposomes and enzymes BE uses,
this is extracted from nature, a Chinese herbal plant known for
2000 years as the “Chi Plant” or life force plant, but delivered as
no other skin care company can. While none of this cell cycle
science is new, having first been discovered in 1961, BE has been
reluctant to overtly promote this until the project has been
completed and is in the field delivering its results, as history
clearly shows mis publicity is used to attack proven science which
challenges fiction, such as the current duping of women with the
majority of the beauty industry practices and products.
The BE
products and practices have created a definite
line in the sand by which all other products and practices will be
discounted. Here is some supportive and scientific information, we
have much, much more. Please have a think whether you want to be
part of the next generation of skin care practices with Botanical
Extracts, as the average age
expectation continues to extend for
all of us, with our use of our existing irreplenishable resource of
youthful skin cells.