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1247709048298-6244.png BE TANNED - Slow Glow

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Pro Glow

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Show Glow

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Slow Glow

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Buff Stuff

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Spritz Blitz
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Remova Hoova

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Sunlover Cover

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Slow-Glow (Medium).jpg

Slow Glow (Gradual Tan Moisturiser) 200ml, Travel Size 60ml

Slow Glow can be used as an alternative for those that prefer applying their tan in one easy moisturising step after their daily shower. Apply for 3-5 days running to develop the most natural looking tan letting you control the shade. Once the desired shade has been reached, simply maintain by alternating days with Extenda Defenda or Spritz Blitz. Regular exfoliation with Buff Stuff at least 3 times a week is necessary to prevent patchiness and to maintaining the skins hydration levels and natural glow. Remember to wash hands carefully after application or wear gloves!